#KindtotheSkin #KindtotheWorld
Our bath bombs are designed to elevate your bath into a luxurious, spa-like retreat. As they fizz, they gently release a calming fragrance, followed by a burst of vibrant colors that elevate your bathing experience into a moment of pure relaxation. Infused with skin-loving allantoin, these bath bombs hydrate and soothe irritated skin. Thoughtfully packaged in eco-conscious, recyclable materials, they offer a perfect balance of relaxation and sustainability.
How To Use:
1. Fill your tub with warm water to your preferred level and temperature
2. Unwrap the bath bomb of your choice and gently place it in the water
3. Watch as it fizzes, releasing a captivating fragrance and vibrant colors.
4. Step into the tub, relax, and enjoy the soothing sensation.
5. After your bath, rinse off with clean water if needed.
Sodium Bicarbonate, Corn Starch, Potassium Bitartrate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate, Allantoin, Shea Butter, Citric Acid, Polysorbate 80, Coconut Oil, Mica, Colors, Fragrance.
#KindtotheSkin #KindtotheWorld
Rasakan sensasi spa mewah saat anda mandi dengan Bath Bomb Botanical Essentials. Dengan aroma khas spa dan diperkaya allantoin yang nyaman di kulit, bath bomb ini dapat melembapkan sekaligus meredakan kulit iritasi. Dikemas dengan bahan ramah lingkungan yang dapat didaur ulang, Bath Bomb Botanical Essentials memberikan keseimbangan antara ketenangan dan kepedulian lingkungan.
Cara Penggunaan:
1. Isi bath tub dengan air hangat dengan volume dan suhu air sesuai selera.
2. Buka bungkus bath bomb pilihanmu dan masukkan ke dalam air dengan perlahan.
3. Amati busa yang mengeluarkan aroma menenangkan dan warna menyenangkan
4. Masuk ke bath tub, lalu bersantai dan nikmati sensasi relaksasi.
5. Setelah berendam, bilas tubuh dengan air bersih jika diperlukan.
Natrium Bikarbonat, Tepung Jagung, Kalium Bitartrat, Natrium Lauryl Sulfoasetat, Alantoin, Shea Butter, Asam Sitrat, Polisorbat 80, Minyak Kelapa, Mika, Pewarna, Pewangi.